Wednesday, December 28, 2011


This blog is ridiculous! There are already plenty of conspiracy theorists out there.... While I find them extremely entertaining and thought provoking, I do not believe that there are really too many actual conspiracies out there. It's easy to come along and connect any set of dots into a coherent story, and the best part is that it usually is difficult to absolutely prove or disprove. What I believe is that it comes down a matter of events being connected or like-minded people subconsciously acting toward a common goal--not truly conspiracy.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Arkansas: Earth Quakes, Dead Birds, Dead Fish... Connected?

Ok, so recent news events have reported that thousands of red-winged blackbirds simultaneously went nuts and crashed themselves into the ground in Arkansas. There was also a massive fish-kill in the state as well as recent earth-quake "swarms".

Conventional theories include hail and fireworks that confused the birds.

Here's my theory and first speculation as to what could have happened (no clue if this will hold up since I didn't really research it):

Just prior to the recent Haiti earthquake there was an increased level of ultra low frequency (ULF) emissions detected by satellite. These emissions are thought to be a result of piezoelectric properties of the earth's moving crust (right?).

Some animals are thought to be sensitive to ULF emissions, and perhaps even able to "predict" earthquakes in a sense (not really proven).

What if, the birds and fish were affected by ultra-low frequencies or seismic activity in Arkansas? Or--What if the deaths are resulting from geothermal conditions that are changing in the area, causing both changes in water temperatures, pH, and seismic activity? Why not? Earlier this week there was an earthquake in Indiana in an area where there is not "supposed to be". Maybe Arkansas is a new Caldera or the next Yellowstone?

Well, I've had my fun with rampant, unfounded speculation for now. Only time will tell...
